Auditorium 2 (592) | 0.1 London (90) | 0.2 Berlin (90) | 0.3 Copenhagen (49) | 0.4 Brussels (189) | 0.6 Madrid (49) | 0.7 Lisbon (47) | 0.8 Rome (118) | 0.9 Athens (118) | Lobby | Exhibition area | |
9:00 | Opening | ||||||||||
9:40 |
Plenary Lecture: Sound and Safe: A History of Listening Behind the Wheel K. Bijsterveld |
10:30 | |||||||||||
11:00 |
Improvement of airborne sound insulation of lightweight timber framed walls through prefabricated multilayer wood studs V. Desarnaulds, R. Fecelier |
ICA meeting |
Japanese experience to reduce road traffic noise by various noise reducing devices K. Yamamoto |
Acoustic Source Localisation In An Urban Environment Using Early Reflection Information F. Stevens, D. Murphy |
Does the Exposure to Aircraft Noise Increase the Risk of Hypertension near French Airports? A.-S. Evrard, M. Lefèvre, P. Champelovier, J. Lambert, B. Laumon |
Annoyance potential of wind turbine noise compared to road traffic noise B. Schäffer, S. Schlittmeier, K. Heutschi, M. Brink, R. Graf, R. Pieren, J. Hellbrück |
Non linear N wave source impedance model D.K. Singh |
A noise label for motor vehicles: towards quieter traffic J. Sliggers |
Measurement of 3D Room Impulse Responses with a Spherical Microphone Array J.-J. Embrechts |
11:20 | SEA based prediction for integrated vibro-acoustical design optimization of multi-storey buildings A. Rabold, M. Schramm, C. Châteauvieux-Hellwig |
The project for noise barriers and others NRD for transport infrastructures: An overall vision and implementation experience in the countries of southern Europe D.M. Alegre |
Physical Properties of Local Wave Field Synthesis using Circular Loudspeaker Arrays F. Winter, S. Spors |
The Relatioship between Exposure to Traffic Noise and Resting Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents from Belgrade G. Belojevic, J. Ilic-Zivojinovic, K. Paunovic, B. Jakovljevic |
Low Frequency Noise Proposed Wind Farm in Maastricht, The Netherlands E. Koppen |
Radiation of moving sources in time-domain simulations of outdoor sound propagation D. Dragna, P. Blanc-Benon |
Sound space for Industrial noise now and in the future R. Bruinsma |
A physically-motivated parametric model for compact representation of room impulse responses based on orthonormal basis functions G. Vairetti, T. Van Waterschoot, M. Moonen, M. Catrysse, S.H. Jensen |
11:40 | ACA - New Research and Testing Competence for Timber Constructions with a focus on low frequencies in Austria F. Dolezal, H. Müllner, M. Neusser, M. Teibinger |
The European standards for noise barriers for roads and railways: state of the art 2015 J.-P. Clairbois, M. Garai |
Frequency Dependent Absorbing Boundary Implementations in 3D FDTD Room Acoustics Simulations S. Oxnard, D. O'Brien, D. Murphy, J. Van Mourik |
Noise and hypotension - potential association and moderation P. Lercher |
International Legislation for Wind Turbine Noise E. Koppen, K. Fowler |
A hybrid PSTD/DG method to solve the linearized Euler equations R. Pagán Muñoz, M. Hornikx |
Community noise: a fundamental ingredient of an environmental health performance indicator (CHERIO) D. Houthuijs, E. Van Kempen, W. Swart, A. Van Beek, F. De Leeuw, A. Dusseldorp, J. Van Engelen, D. De Gruijter, H. Kruize, B. Staatsen |
Localization-assisted indoor acoustical data monitoring N. Prodi, A. Conti, F. Lodi, S. Bartoletti, J.S. Dekhordi |
12:00 | Measurement and calculation of sound transmission across junctions of solid timber building elements S. Mecking, T. Kruse, U. Schanda |
Comparison between laboratory and in-situ methods for measuring sound reflection properties of noise barriers M. Conter, R. Wehr |
Virtual sound generation by linear modal synthesis based on recorded audio examples I. Muhammad, J.Y. Jeon |
Residential exposure to traffic noise and risk for non- Hodgkin lymphoma and chronic lymphoid leukemia in an adult population M. Sørensen, O. Raaschou-Nielsen |
The Influence of Visual Information on Assessment of Wind Turbine Noise A. Preis, M. Szychowska, H. Hafke-Dys, J. Kocinski |
Time domain modeling for impulse source localization in urban environments S. Cheinet, L. Ehrhardt, T. Broglin | New tools to inform the public about environmental noise in cities and to assist decision-making F. Mietlicki, C. Mietlicki, C. Ribeiro, P. Gaudibert, B. Vincent |
Room impulse response measurement and delay-and-sum beamforming, application to room and building acoustics S. Barré |
12:20 | Flanking Sound Insulation of Timber Walls combined with different Timber Hollow Box Floors C. Geyer, A. Müller, A. Melián Hernández |
Optimizing the exponential sine sweep (ESS) signal for in situ measurements on noise barriers M. Garai, P. Guidorzi |
Effects of aircraft noise on reading and oral language abilities in German children near Frankfurt/Main airport: Results of the NORAH (noise-related annoyance, cognition, and health)-study M. Klatte, J. Spilski, J. Mayerl, U. Möhler, T. Lachmann, K. Bergström |
Differences in noise requirements for wind turbines in four European countries E. Nieuwenhuizen, M. Köhl |
A Novel Method of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Noise Prediction J. Botha |
A bootstrap estimation of confidence levels in reverberation time measurements at low frequencies D. Pérez Cabo, M.A. Sobreira Seoane, J.R. Fernández Bernárdez |
12:40 | TC Noise | Source-specific traffic noise exposure and cardiovascular mortality in Switzerland D. Vienneau, H. Héritier, M. Foraster, M. Brink, C. Cajochen, I.C. Eze, M. Köpfli, J.-M. Wunderli, N. Probst-Hensch, M. Röösli |
TC Computational Acoustics | ||||||||
13:00 | |||||||||||
13:40 | |||||||||||
13:50 |
Plenary Lecture: Numerical Techniques for Acoustics and Vibrations: Virtual Tools for Real Problems W. Desmet |
14:40 |
Replacable building base isolation M. Vanstraelen |
The application of Solar-Noise Barriers for UK highways and their combined benefits for local government, developers and the wider community G. Parker |
Noise mapping State of art - is it just a simple as it looks like - Pitfalls H.J.A. Van Leeuwen, S.E.H. Van Banda |
Annoyance to transportation noise and risk of physical inactivity M. Foraster, I.C. Eze, D. Vienneau, M. Brink, C. Cajochen, H. Héritier, J.-M. Wunderli, M. Röösli, N. Probst-Hensch |
Capri Island helicopter noise control A. Papa, P. Addonizio |
A quasi-potential flow formulation for the prediction of the effect of the circulation on the acoustic shielding from a lifting body by means of a finite element method S. Mancini, M. Tournour, R.J. Astley, G. Gabard, S. Sinayoko |
Assessment and Management of Environment Noise in Turkey S. Shilton |
Different radiation impedance models for finite porous absorbers M. Nolan, C.-H. Jeong, J. Brunskog, J. Rodenas, F. Chevillotte, L. Jaouen |
15:00 | Transmission of Vibroacoustic Energy Through the Structures of a Car Body Into the Protected Area and its Control S. Ziaran, O. Chlebo |
Phonobloc® rail track - in-situ tested low noise barriers in platform-design made of concrete G. Lanz, M. Jaksch |
A color scheme for the presentation of sound immission in maps: requirements and principles of design B. Weninger |
Associations of road traffic noise with mortality and hospital admissions in London J. Halonen, A. Hansell, J. Gulliver, M. Blangiardo, D. Fecht, S. Beevers, R. Anderson, C. Tonne |
Assessment of Environmental Noise due to Aircraft Operation at the CORFU International Airport according to the 2002/49/EC Directive and the new Greek National Legislation K. Vogiatzis |
Noise Reduction of an Electric Motor by Using a Numerical Model A.A. Uslu |
Healthy urban living: integration of noise in other local policy domains M. Weber |
Uncertainty in sound diffusion and scattering coefficients measurement A. Pilch, D. Behounek, P. Pawlik, T. Kamisinski, J. Rubacha |
15:20 | An applied research of seismic and vibration resistance of the equipment with assessment of seismic and vibration effects A. Horniaková, J. Keníz, M. Musil |
Acoustic Effect of Drainage Gaps in Noise Barriers F. Peeters, W.-J. Van Vliet |
Comparison of German Road Traffic Noise Calculation Method to the new Common Noise Assessment Methods J. Müller, W. Bartolomaeus |
Health Impact Assessment of airport noise on people living nearby six Italian airports C. Ancona, M. Golini, F. Mataloni, D. Camerino, M. Chiusolo, G. Licitra, M. Ottino, S. Pisani, L. Cestari, M.A. Vigotti, M. Davoli, F. Forastiere, I. Sera Study Group |
Estimating Variation in Community Noise Due to Variation in Aircraft Operations A. Synodinos, R. Self, I. Flindell |
Numerical integration methods for the solution of Helmholtz equations with the Wave Based Technique P. Zsifkovits, A. Hepberger, G. Offner |
Green urban mobility, much quieter; it is not a castle in the air! H. Wolfert, C. Verweijen |
Evaluation of a Numerical Method for Identifying Surface Acoustic Impedances in a Reverberant Room N. Antonello, T. Van Waterschoot, M. Moonen, P. Naylor |
15:40 |
Building acoustics measurements: an innovative solution with automatic recognition and optimized workflow E. Aflalo, S. Bloquet, T. Poli |
coffee | GIS data and noise maps: shall they be INSPIRE compliant? A. Kotsev, S. Kephalopoulos, H. De Groof, A. Abramic, P. Smits, V. Lima |
Associations of road traffic noise, blood pressure and heart rate in three harmonized European cohorts W. Zijlema, Y. Cai, D. Doiron, K. De Hoogh, D. Morley, S. Hodgson, H. Kongsgard, K. Hveem, R. Stolk, J. Rosmalen |
A Combined Qualitative/Quantitative Approach to the Design of Noise Annoyance Studies I. Flindell, P. Le Masurier |
Simulation of Aerodynamically Generated Sound Using Hybrid Aeroacoustic Methods J. Hammar, G. Efraimsson, C. O'Reilly |
Extended Cost / benefit analysis for noise control for municipal and provincial roads M. Van De Klundert |
Effects of Different Diffusor Types on the Diffusivity in Reverberation Chambers M. Nolan, M. Vercammen, C.-H. Jeong |
16:00 | Measurement of flanking sound transmission at low frequencies with a laser doppler vibrometer S. Schoenwald, H.-M. Tröbs, A. Zemp |
The Effectiveness of Quiet Facade on Account of Chinese Residential Layout X. Lu |
Road traffic noise, Air pollution and Cardio-respiratory Health in European Cohorts: a Harmonised Approach in the BioSHaRE Project Y. Cai, M. Blangiardo, K. De Hoogh, J. Gulliver, D. Morley, D. Doiron, P. Elliott, A. Hansell, S. Hodgson |
Harmonizing noise abatement and urban development N. Mahler, H. Boegli |
Nonlinear modeling of thermoacoustic systems J.A. De Jong, Y. Wijnant, A. De Boer |
DYNAMAP: a new approach to real-time noise mapping G. Zambon, R. Benocci, A. Bisceglie |
Overhead stage canopies - case studies T. Kamisinski, A. Szelag, A. Pilch, K. Brawata, J. Rubacha |
YAN activity | |||
16:20 | Measurement of the dynamic stiffness of porous materials taking into account their airflow resistivity C. Crispin, C. Mertens, B. Ingelaere |
Numerical determination of equivalent damping parameters for a finite element model to predict the underwater noise due to offshore pile driving K. Heitmann, T. Lippert, M. Ruhnau, S. Lippert, O. Von Estorff, S. Mallapur |
Application of Noise Mapping in Environmental Noise Management in Hangzhou, China B. Zhang, W. Hu, R. Wu, L. Liu, J. Yang |
How Many Indicators for Vibration Exposure are Needed? M. Van Den Berg |
coffee | coffee | coffee | Simulation of Diffractions and Reflections of arbitrary order with the Sound Particle Diffraction Model based on the Uncertainty Relation S. Weigand, A. Pohl, U. Stephenson |
16:40 | coffee | Predictions of the Effects of Elastic Seabed on Noise Radiated during Marine Pile Driving L.S. Wang, P. Theobald, S. Robinson |
coffee | Rational regulations for vibrations from rail traffic M. Van Den Berg |
Noise Reduction for a High Performance Military Aircraft - General Approach and Current Status E. Grigat |
The Dutch Road Noise Mitigation Program N. Faber |
Noise Action Planning at Airports under Difficult Political Conditions - Technical Methods and Procedures for Successful Support M. Petz |
coffee | |||
17:00 | On the use of laser Doppler vibrometry in building acoustics N.B. Roozen, M. Rychtáriková, H. Müllner, C. Glorieux |
A three-dimensional semi-analytical model for the prediction of underwater noise from offshore pile driving A. Tsouvalas, A. Metrikine |
The required accuracy in the new Common Noise Assessment Method M. Paviotti, P. De Vos |
Comparison of annoyance from railway noise and railway vibration M. Ögren, M. Smith, K. Persson Waye |
Flat Plate Installation Effects on Velocity and Wall Pressure Fields Generated by an Incompressible Jet M. Mancinelli, A. Di Marco, R. Camussi |
Modelling and monitoring Dutch highway traffic noise production T. Veger, A. Dijkstra, R. Nota, R. Jonker |
Old Rhine ships have to be quiet too C. Ostendorf, N. Geebelen, A. Koopman, C. Laudij |
Comparing a Phased Combination of Acoustical Radiosity and the Image Source Method with Other Simulation Tools G. Marbjerg, J. Brunskog, C.-H. Jeong, E. Nilsson |
17:20 | Assessment of acoustical insulation of double glass building element by laser Doppler vibrometry and microphone measurements C. Glorieux, D. Urbán, N.B. Roozen, L. Labelle, M. Rychtáriková |
Finite difference computational modelling of marine impact pile driving A. Macgillivray |
Conversion of existing road source data to use CNOSSOS-EU S. Shilton, F. Anfosso Ledee, H.J.A. Van Leeuwen |
Do current guidelines on vibration provide sufficient health protection at the community level independent of the accompanying soundscape? M. Cik, P. Lercher |
Identification of a vibration pattern from pressure measurements and radiation modes P. Herzog, R. Guillermin, P. Lorin, E. Van Lancker, V. Chritin |
Traffic Noise Management: The Dutch Approach R. Jonker, W. Alberts |
Noise from Livestock Husbandry - Introducing a new Basis for Assessment M. Kropsch, C. Lechner |
Influence of Source-Receiver Distance in Reverberant Room on Front-Back Confusion M. Rychtáriková, D. Pelegrin Garcia, N.B. Roozen, C. Glorieux |
17:40 | Comparison of strategies for the experimental analysis of airborne sound insulation of building elements L. Godinho, A. Neves, J. Nascimento, I. Castro, P. Amado-Mendes |
Validating a wavenumber integration model for the prediction of underwater noise due to offshore pile driving M. Ruhnau, T. Lippert, K. Heitmann, S. Lippert, O. Von Estorff |
Conversion of existing railway source data to use CNOSSOS-EU M. Paviotti, S. Shilton, R. Jones, N. Jones |
The use of vibration health response information in the framework of environmental health impact assessments: technical issues of implementation and interpretation B. Tappauf, M. Cik, P. Lercher |
Active noise control in practice: transformer station E. Buikema, F. Van Der Ploeg |
The effective planning of measures in relation to other work such as maintenance of pavements P. Paffen |
Noise standards for electronically amplified music in Flanders (Belgium) G. Pée, G. Vindevogel |
Important simulation parameters for open plan office acoustics J. Jagla, C. Benoit |
18:00 | Popvenues in living areas M. Luykx, M. Lautenbach, M. Vercammen |
Evaluation of the impact of the uncertainties on environmental data for far-field propagation in shallow water with Split-Step Padé PE S. Lesoinne, A. Barth, X. Kaiser, J.-J. Embrechts, A. Gillet, R. Moelans |
Feasibility of using the CNOSSOS-EU road traffic noise prediction model with low resolution inputs for exposure estimation on an international scale J. Gulliver, K. De Hoogh, D. Fecht, F. Fabbri, M. Bell, P. Goodman, P. Elliott, S. Hodgson, D. Morley |
Annoyance due to vibration from freight railway lines in the Netherlands and Poland S. Janssen, B. Zuada Coelho, A. Koopman, E. Peris, W. Groll, K. Wisniewska |
Experimental Investigation on Acoustic Effects of Trailing Edge Modifications of Splitter Attenuators for Power Generation Systems C. Sebastiani, C.-C. Hantschk, H.-J. Kaltenbach |
Noise measures in road construction works W.-J. Van Vliet |
Appropriate background noise level regarding speech privacy and annoyance in a train cabin J.Y. Jeon, J.Y. Hong, H.S. Jang |
18:20 | The Use Numerical Modelling to Assist and Improve Industrial Understanding of Underwater Noise and Relevant Mitigation Measures J. Kringelum, P. Skjellerup |
Health effects of vibrations due to trains I. Van Kamp, E. Van Kempen, H. Van Wijnen, E. Verheijen, T. Istamto, O. Breugelmans, L. Dirven, A. Koopman |
Acoustic and flow analysis to reduce boiler hum T. Campmans |
The Role of Acoustic Reviews in Influencing Restaurant Acoustics S. Camp |
18:40 | Welcome reception | ||||||||||
19:00 | |||||||||||
20:00 |