The EU noise policy and the END (Dir 2002/49/EC) itself have come a long way since its adoption in 2002. At the moment, the END finds itself at a turning point, with two rounds of noise mapping and action plans behind us, new common methods on noise mapping being adopted, and common approaches to assessment of health affects being discussed. The Directive is undergoing an evaluation in the context of the European Commission's Regulatory Fitness and Performance programme (REFIT). This process entails assessing all of its benefits and costs. While the exercise is foremost retrospective, it may cover some prospective issues. All conference participants are welcome to contribute and intervene at this workshop, an opportunity to discuss the following issues.
How did the END work?
Annex III - dose-response health relationships: what are your expectations from it?
00:00 | The Environmental Noise Directive at a turning point. Ivana Juraga, Bernhard Berger, Marco Paviotti |
+0:10 | Differences between the principles of the European national noise laws and those of the Environmental Noise Directive Gaetano Licitra |
+0:20 | The process required to achieve effective noise reductions in a city Hans J.A. van Leeuwen, Paul de Vos |
+0:30 | Is noise a problem for the citizen? Stephen Turner |
+0:40 | Discussion with the involvement of the public |
+2:00 | End of the workshop |